- Tiene 3 significados en español: TENER,HABER y TOMAR
Yo tengo un ordenador......................I have got a computer
Yo he comprado un ordenador..........I have bought a computer
Yo tomo una taza de té.....................I have a cup of tea
-Sus 3 formas básicas son:
Infinitivo..........TO HAVE (tener,haber,tomar)
Pretérito..........HAD (en todas sus personas)
Participio.........HAD (tenido,habido,tomado)
-Se puede escribir en forma corta y en forma larga.
Presente afirmativo (L.F) Presente afirmativo (S.F.)
I have
You have
He,she.it has
We have
You have
They have
yo tengo, yo he,yo tomo
| I've
They've |
Presente negativo (L.F) Presente negativo (S.F.)
I have not You have not He,she,it has not We have not You have not They have not yo no tengo, no he, no tomo | I haven't You haven't He,she,it hasn't We haven't You haven't They haven't |
Presente interrogativo
have I? Have you? Has he,she,it? Have we? Have you? Have they? ¿tengo yo? ¿Tomo yo?
Do I have? Do you have? Does he,she,it have? Do we have? Do you have? Doe they have?
Pasado afirmativo (L.F.) Pasado afirmativo (S.F.)
I had You had He,she,it had We had You had They had yo tenía,tuve,había,hube,tomaba,tomé | I'd You'd He'd,she'd,it'd We'd You'd They'd |
Pasado negativo (L.F.) Pasado negativo (S.F.)
I had not You had not He ,she,it, had not We had not You had not They had not yo no tenía,tuve,había,hube,tomaba,tomé. | I hadn't You hadn't He,she,it, hadn't We hadn't You hadn't They hadn't
Pasado interrogativo
Had I? Had you? Had he,she,it? Had we? Had you? Had they? ¿Tenía,hube yo,había yo,tomaba,tomé yo?
Usos del verbo TO HAVE:
1.- se usa para formar verbos compuestos.
yo como...............I eat
he comido.......I
have eaten
él bebe.................He drinks
ha bebido..........He
has drunk
tú hablaste...........You spoke
habías hablado.You
had spoken
2.- Seguido de la preposición To, significa Tener que...
Tengo que estudiar.........I
have to study
Tenemos que garnar.......We
have to win
3.- Se emplea tambíen para tomar alimento o beber algo.
Desayunar............to have breakfast
yo desayuno a las 8:00 a.m.
have breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
yo almuerzo a las 2:00 p.m.
have lunch at 2:00 p.m.
yo ceno a las 9:00 p.m.
have dinner at 9:00p.m.
Me tomo un tazón de leche
have a bowl of milk
4.- En el sentido de DAR en expresiones hechas.
Voy a dar un paseo....I'm going to have a walk
Puede darme un vaso de agua por favor...Can I have a glass of water please?
Voy a dar una fiesta...........I'm going to have a party
Me voy a dar un baño.......I'`m going to have a bath.
Voy a ducharme o voy a darme una ducha...I'm going to have a shower
¿Puedo dar/echar un vistazo a tus notas? ..Can I have a look to your marks.?
Voy a darme un descanso...........I'm going to have a rest.
5.- El verbo HAVE suele ir acompañado de GOT (en inglés británico) fundamentalmente para reforzar la idea de posesión y se suele emplear en forma corta (contracta).
I've got a new car..............tengo/poseo un nuevo coche.
We've got lots of books....tenemos/poseemos muchos libros.
You've got blue eyes.........tienes los ojos azules.