miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

ANSWERS (51 TO 60)

What do you think U.S.A means?
What idea of England have you got?
What's the weather like?
How do I get to the park?
Can I help you?
Would you like a cup of tea?
May I sit here?
Why don't we go to the cinema?
What's the matter?
What's sport do you play?
I think U.S.A means United States of America.
England is a beautiful country in Great Britain.The capital town is London.
Today it's cold and windy.
Go straight ahead, it's the first street on the left.
No, thank you!
Yes please! Tea is delicious.
Of course sir! Sit down please!
It's a good idea , I like this movie.
I'm lost. I can't remember my address.
I do swimming.


I think U.S.A means United States of America.
England is a beautiful country in Great Britain.The capital town is London.
Today it's cold and windy.
Go straight ahead, it's the first street on the left.
No, thank you!
Yes please! Tea is delicious.
Of course sir! Sit down please!
It's a good idea , I like this movie.
I'm lost. I can't remember my address.
I do swimming.
Creo que U.S.A significa Estados Unidos de America.
Inglaterra es un bellos pais de Gran Bretaña.
La capital es Londres.
Hoy hace frio y viento.
Siga recto, es la primera calle a la izquierda.
No, gracias.
Por supuesto señor, sientese!
Es una buena idea, me gusta la película.
Estoy perdido, no recuerdo mi dirección.
Practico la natación.